Regular Admission

  • Aimed at

    ​Secondary school graduates from Peru or abroad. ​

  • Evaluation

    Written examination with multiple choice questions, assessing the applicants' logical-mathematical, verbal communication and general knowledge potential (geography, history and current affairs).​

  • Application Requirements

    Not having been expelled from Universidad del Pacífico.​

  • How to Register in this Admission Route
    1. ​Register in the UP Web Portal (​​ as a 5th year secondary student.
    2. With your username and password, log onto the UP Portal and register in the Regular Admission route under the Online Application tab​. 
    3. Complete the personal information form and upload the requested documentation. 
    4. Pay the admission fee on the UP Portal or in any of the authorized banks nationwide.

      For further information: Online Registration Guide.​ 
  • Documents necessary for registration

    • Applicant’s valid identity card (DNI). Foreign nationals need to submit their Carné de Extranjería or valid passport. 
    • School Transcript from 1st to 5th years of secondary school.
    • High-quality, carnet-sized color front photograph (wearing dark clothing, on a white background, not wearing glasses or hats), in JPG format. The photograph should be from a photographic studio and should be at most one month old at the moment of registration​​​​​​​.

    Once the documents have been approved by the Admissions Office, applicants will be considered “Selected”.  Later, selected applicants should start the procedure of entry confirmation to be considered “Admitted Applicants” to the University​.​
  • Requirements and documents necessary for entry confirmation

    • A photocopy of the applicant's DNI, Carné de Extranjería or valid passport (on both sides).
    • Carnet-sized color front photograph (dark clothes, white background, not wearing glasses or hats), and less than six months old. 
    • English language certificate recognized by the University, both the original and a hard copy (Optional)*. 
    • School Transcript from 1st to 5th years of secondary school. 

    *The list of English Certificates accepted by the University can be found in the Selected Applicant Guide, on the UP Portal. Applicants who do not hold such certificate at the moment of entry confirmation may submit it at any point during their studies at the Academic Services and Records (SAR) Office. They may also sit the English proficiency examination from the Universidad del Pacífico Language Center on the dates appearing on the Successful Applicant Guide​.
  • Important Notices
    1. All documents issued in a language different from Spanish should have an Official Translation (Traducción Oficial) into Spanish.
    2. Applicants who studied secondary school abroad need to have their School Transcripts validated by the Peruvian Ministry of Education.
    3. Admitted applicants from this route who have undergone prior university studies will not be entitled to course validation. In addition, graduates from other universities are automatically assigned the top fee scale.
    4. An applicant will be considered an “Admitted Applicant” and will be entitled to a place at the University on meeting the following requirements: 

    - Being selected in the evaluation process of Regular Admission. 

    Submitting the original documents for entry confirmation at the Admissions Office within the established deadline​.

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About the examination​
  • The examination will be held in the premises of Universidad del Pacífico, located in the Jesús María district. To be admitted into the examination, applicants should produce their valid DNI. Foreign nationals should produce their valid Carné de Extranjería or passport. No other document will be accepted in order to be admitted into the examination. 
  • Admission will be from 8 to 8:30 a.m. Under no circumstances will applicants be allowed into the premises after that time.
  • Applicants will only be allowed into the examination carrying the following items: a pencil, an eraser and a sharpener. Applicants will not be allowed to enter the examination rooms carrying backpacks, purses, cell phones, food, drinks or any other item unrelated to the examination. The examination lasts three hours.
  • Results may be viewed only on the UP Portal from 4 p.m. on the day of the examination​.