UP Talks: When women lead an organization
October 05 , 2018

​“We need another way to create companies. We must change business from the roots up and make sure companies include more women” said François Vallaeys, Head of Ethics at the Center for Leadership, Ethics and Social Responsibility of the Universidad del Pacífico (CLERS), during the opening of "Inspire to innovate,” a special edition of UP Talks. On this occasion, the event was centered on experiences of female empowerment. 


François Vallaeys, head of ethics at the Center for Leadership, Ethics and Social Responsibility.

Annarita Nieri, business development division manager at VisaNet Peru, noted that several studies have pointed to the positive effects of women in management, as they do not tolerate lack of commitment, act as catalysts of change, and are able to multiply the resources of the companies they represent. However, she added that just 8.5% of members of boards of directors are females.


Annarita Nieri, business development division manager at VisaNet.

"Gender stereotypes have been broken, such as the one that says women do not lead technological areas. Another myth dispelled is that of women not leading areas associated with risk or that mothers find it difficult to work", she argued, with reference to Visanet.

She referred to a World Bank study, which found that a great success factor among women comes from their choosing to be life partners, giving them the option of selecting individuals who will accompany them in their development.

"The study states that only 60% of promotions are given because employees are good at doing the things they do", she said. Finally, Nieri proposed the need for workplace policies to ensure equal numbers of men and women, as well as opportunities to carry out the same tasks.

 Astrid Gutsche, owner of the Astrid y Gastón restaurant chain, asserted that messages denigrating women are heard each day, and that this must change: "When you want to change the world, you start with yourself," she said.

"The worst expression is that behind every great man there is a great women. When girls are being raised, they must be taught that they are not only made to be mothers, but independent women as well. The key to success is to think in a non-conventional way", she concluded.

Male perspective

The event also looked at the empowerment of Peruvian women from a male perspective. Antonio Orjeda, founder of the magazine "Mujeres Batalla", said that his involvement in business journalism years ago gave him the opportunity to meet female entrepreneurs and tell their stories. This experience persuaded him to create Mujeres Batalla to publicize the stories of women entrepreneurs.

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Antonio Orjeda, founder of the magazine "Mujeres Batalla".

 Orjeda spoke of his realization after a few years that children should hear these stories, prompting him to start another publication aimed at educating minors about the importance of respecting females.

David Reyes, editor of Semana Económica, gave a presentation in which he stressed the need to close the gap between men and women.

"It is necessary to extend a culture of equality, which we have to do for the sake of our future. Women know they have to make twice as much effort as men. For example, in each board meeting they need to show that they are useful while men do not. Why in a situation of equality should a woman have to demonstrate more? With this question, Reyes ended his presentation at the "Inspire to innovate" UP Talks event, held on September 28 at the Universidad del Pacífico ​



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