Authority Profile


Professional Profile

Professor and researcher at Universidad del Pacífico Academic Department of Marketing and International Business. He holds a DSc in Business Management with a major in Marketing from Universidade de São Paulo (Brazil) and an MBA majoring in Marketing Management from Universidade Federal do Rio Grande do Sul School of Administration (Brazil). He also holds a Licentiate Title in Science with a major in Business Management from Universidad de Piura (Peru).
He also pursued studies on new products, innovation, and marketing during his doctoral stage at Fundação Getulio Vargas (FGV) in São Paulo, Brazil.
He has served as full-time professor researcher. In 2015 he was awarded a Summa Cum Laude honor for intellectual contribution in the area of marketing from Sociedad Peruana de Marketing (Peruvian Society of Marketing). He achieved second place in the Third Internal Contest of Educational Innovation at Universidad del Pacífico, organized by the Directorate of Learning Management during the academic semester 2015-II. He has had his scientific articles from conferences and indexed journals published in countries such as Brazil, Chile, China, Croatia, England, Mexico, Peru, and Turkey.
He has worked in the National Registry of Identification and Civil Status (RENIEC), recognized governmental institution in Peru. He is a member of the Peruvian Institute of Competitiveness (INSPERCOM) and an honorary member of Sociedad Peruana de Marketing (Peruvian Society of Marketing).

Specialization Areas

Consumer behavior modeling, market research, international marketing, and applied multivariate statistics.