Artistic and cultural workshops


The Art and Culture area of the Provost Office is responsible for developing social-emotional skills through artistic and cultural educational experiences. These experiences are offered through four artistic groups, activities open to the university community and twenty-eight extracurricular art and culture workshops.​
Guitar I

Guitar I

The Guitar I course is carried out as a group, motivating the student to have a constant and active participation and develop skills and abilities that will allow participants to use their musical potential and show concrete achievements in a short period of time. This course has as prerequisite the Functional Guitar workshop or a basic knowledge of guitar.​



Juggling is a circus discipline that fluctuates between mere creative imagination and reality.  It is a "real" game, with an educational, pedagogical and ludic intention, where we will mainly work our coordination through the manipulation of objects. It transforms your fears and attitudes towards failure. It develops balance and ambidexterity by achieving a rhythmic coordination in both sides of the body and brain. It reinforces your eye-hand reflexes and stimulates your creativity.​

Afro-Peruvian Dances

Afro-Peruvian Dances

The Afro-Peruvian Dances workshop provides knowledge and techniques to learn the dances and their rhythms, characterized by their energy, movements and corporal expression. The student will learn the steps, sequences and choreographies of our cultural heritage through which he/she will recognize the contribution of the Afro-Peruvian population and will positively set his/her national identity.​

Professional sculpture and modeling in plasticine

Professional sculpture and modeling in plasticine

The art of modeling in sculpture consists of building, providing and creating characters, figures or abstract models through basic concepts in drawing and 3D. The workshop provides its students with knowledge to boost the development of their cognitive and procedural skills in fields different from the regular courses. This activity also reaffirms self-esteem and tolerance towards stress.​
