Authority Profile


Professional Profile

Main professor and researcher at Universidad del Pacífico and Head of the Academic Department of Humanities, affiliate of the School of Business Sciences. He holds a Licentiate’s degree in Linguistics and Literature with a minor in Hispanic Literature from Pontificia Universidad Católica del Perú.
His poems, articles, and contributions have appeared in magazines in Peru and abroad. He also has extensive experience as a professor in charge of Language and Literature courses.
He has been Vice Dean of Common Studies, Head of the Oficina de Formación Universitaria and President of the Electoral Committee of Universidad del Pacífico. He is a member of Instituto Riva-Agüero (IRA) from the Pontificia Universidad Católica del Perú, Sociedad Peruana de Estudios Clásicos, Asociación Internacional de Hispanistas (AIH) and Asociación Internacional Siglo de Oro (AISO).

Specialization Areas

Linguistics and Literature, Hispanic literature, comparative literature.