Admission Routes

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    Admission 2022:

    5th year high school students or high school graduates from 2019 onwards of:

    - Schools belonging to the list of High Performance Schools 2021 (CAR) of Universidad del Pacifico, placed in other positions of the merit table of their class in 3rd year secondary school and / or that do not meet the requirements of Focus on Competencies in 4th and 5th of secondary school. For graduates, they must be placed in other positions of the merit table of their class.

    - Schools that do not belong to the list of High Performance Schools 2021 (CAR) of Universidad del Pacifico, placed in the upper half of the merit table of their class and that meet the requirements of Focus by Competencies in 4th and 5th grade of secondary school.

    - For graduates, they must be placed in the upper middle of the merit table of their class in each of the last three years of high school.

    - COAR schools, recognized as such by the Ministry of Education, placed in any position of the merit table of their class or that do not meet the requirements of Focus by Competencies in 4th and 5th grade of secondary school.

    Admission 2021:

    5th year high school students or high school graduates from 2018 onwards of:

    - Schools belonging to the list of High Performance Schools 2020 (CAR) of Universidad del Pacifico, placed in the upper half of the merit table of their class.

    - Schools that do not belong to the list of High Performance Schools 2020 (CAR) of Universidad del Pacifico, placed in the upper half of the merit table of their class - in each of the last three years of high school.

    - COAR schools, recognized as such by the Ministry of Education, placed in any position on the merit table of their class.

  • Evaluation

    The evaluation of the applicant will be carried out on the basis of the following elements:

    • Academic performance
      To be placed in the upper half of the merit table of their class in each of the last three years of high school. The performance obtained in the mathematics and communication courses will be taken into account.

    • Personal interview
      Its purpose is to know the vocational motivation, personality and oral expression of the applicant. This is based on the online essay previously carried out by the candidate, in which they present their potential contribution to the development of the community. In addition, during the interview the applicant must mention the main extracurricular activities (cultural, sports, artistic or voluntary) in which they have participated in the last three years inside or outside the school.

    • Assessment of reading comprehension and language competence
      Qualify the applicant's communication skills (literacy) in person.
  • Requirements to apply

    In the case of students from institutions on the CAR list or from COAR schools, they must be studying 5th year secondary school in a school in that group and have studied 3rd and 4th year secondary school in the same educational center or other (s) that form (s) part of the mentioned group of schools.

    Admission 2022:

    • To be in 5th grade of secondary school or graduate from secondary school from 2019 onwards, in Peru or abroad.
    • You must not have obtained the result of "Not selected" in the modalities of Selective Admission, Admission by the High School, Regular Admission, Transfers and Graduates.
    • You must not have been discharged from Universidad del Pacifico.

    Admission 2021:

    • To be in 5th grade of secondary school or graduate from secondary school from 2018 onwards, in Peru or abroad.
    • You must not have obtained the result of "Not selected" in the modalities of Selective Admission, Admission by the High School, Regular Admission, Transfers and Graduates.
    • You must not have been discharged from Universidad del Pacifico.

  • How to Register in this Admission Route

    1. Enter the UP Portal (

    • If this is the first time you visit the UP Portal, register identifying the corresponding user profile "I am a student or graduate.”
    • If you are already registered, log in with your username and password.

    2. Once you have entered the UP Portal, download and read the current Admission Prospectus and identify the modality of your interest along with the requirements.

    3. Then click on the "Online Registration" tab and then click on the "Start your registration process for the admission modalities" field. Complete the information required in each of the steps of registration form. Then scan and upload the requested documents, which will be reviewed by the Admission Office.

    4. Make the payment of registration fee to the modality. Remember that you can make the payment in person at authorized banks or online through the page, entering with the same username and password of the UP Portal.

    5. Check the UP Portal to know the status of your registration process. Keep in mind that your registration as an applicant will be considered successful if the documents necessary for online registration have been approved and payment of registration fee for the admission modality has been confirmed.

    Finally, after your registration as an applicant has been approved, you will receive by e-mail the confirmation of your registration with the indications to consider according to the modality to which you are applying.

    More information: Online registration guide.

  • Required documents for registration through the UP Portal

    Admission 2022:

    • DNI of the applicant (both sides). In the case of being a foreigner, a valid immigration card or passport.
    • Proof of Learning Achievements (CLA) or virtual Certificate of Studies (the last two can be downloaded from the MINEDU website). Graduates must submit the certificate of studies from 3rd to 5th year secondary school * or the Certificate of Learning Achievements (CLA) described by SUNEDU in the Multiple Office No. 00029-2020-MINEDU / VMGI-DIGC-DIGE that is available at the website of that institution: https: //*
    • Digital color photography (dark clothing, white background, without glasses or hat), passport size front, high quality and in JPG format. The photograph must be taken in a photographic studio and be less than one month old at the time of registration.
    • Brief personal essay, in which the applicant relates one of the proposed topics with his vocational interest and his potential contribution to the development of the community (length of the text: maximum two pages, Calibri light 11 font, single space). Proposed topics and essay guidelines must be downloaded from the UP Portal.
    • Evidence of Academic Performance of Schoolchildren for the vigesimal evaluation or school format with the same information as the aforementioned document, signed and sealed by the school. Download the Certificate of Academic Performance provided by the University in the UP Portal when applying. This document must be completed and endorsed by the school, otherwise it must be accompanied by a letter of commitment (download on the UP Portal). In addition, they must prove that they have belonged to the upper half (according to the modality for which they are applying) of their class of 3rd year secondary school.
    • Certificate of Academic Performance of Graduates for the vigesimal evaluation. Download the format provided by the University in the UP Portal when applying. This document must be completed and endorsed by the school, otherwise it must be accompanied by a letter of commitment (download on the UP Portal). In addition, prove having belonged to the upper half (according to the modality for which you are applying) of your class of secondary 3rd, 4th and 5th.

    Admission 2021:

    • DNI of the applicant (both sides). In the case of being a foreigner, a valid immigration card or passport.
    • Report card, certificate or proof of grades from 3rd to 4th year of high school and the semesters of 5th year of high school that have been completed at the time of registration as an applicant.
    • Evidence of Academic Performance of Schoolchildren. Download the format provided by the University in the UP Portal when applying. This document must be completed and endorsed by the school, otherwise, it must be accompanied by a letter of commitment (download Portal UP). In addition, they must prove that they have belonged to the upper half (according to the modality for which they are applying) of their 3rd and 4th year high school class.
    • Graduates must submit the certificate of studies from 3rd to 5th year secondary school or the Certificate of Learning Achievements (CLA) described by SUNEDU in the Multiple Office No. 00029-2020-MINEDU / VMGI-DIGC-DIGE that is available at the website of that institution: https: //*
    • Digital color photography (dark clothes, white background, without glasses or hat), passport size front, high quality and in JPG format. The photograph must be taken in a photographic studio and must be less than one month old at the time of registration.
    • Brief personal essay, in which the applicant relates one of the proposed topics with his vocational interest and its potential contribution to the development of the community (length of the text: maximum two faces, Calibri light 11 font, single space). Proposed topics and essay guidelines must be downloaded from the UP Portal.

    * Grades in vigesimal system.
  • Results of the admission process

    The results of the admission process are published through the UP Portal. The official result of each applicant indicates only if they were “Selected one” or “Not selected.”

    The publication of results will be provided within three business days after the presentation and qualification of the evaluations.

    If the applicant obtains the status of “Not selected,” they may apply for the Admission modality by the Pre-University School or by the Admission Exam.

  • Formalization of admittance

    After the publication of results, if the applicant obtains the status of “Selected one,” they must bear in mind that Universidad del Pacifico reserves a vacancy, as long as it is confirmed through the formalization of admission.

    For the formalization of admission, the “Selected one” must submit in physical form, within the stipulated term and according to the proposed schedule, the documents detailed in the table "Documents necessary for formalization of admission.”

    The “Selected one” will be considered "Entrant" only if they meet the academic requirement of having completed the 5th year of high school within the upper half of the merit table of his class, and carries out the formalization of admission.

  • Documents necessary for the formalization of admittance

    Admission 2022:

    • Photocopy of DNI, immigration card or valid passport (both sides).
    • Certificate of English recognized by the university (original and plain copy). Optional*.
    • Original certificate of studies from 1st to 5th of secondary school or the Certificate of Learning Achievements (CLA) described by SUNEDU in the Multiple Office No. 00029-2020-MINEDU / VMGI-DIGC-DIGE that is available on the website of that institution:
    • Proof of academic performance of the school or graduate according to the situation of the selected person at the time of applying, as long as this information has been declared at the time of registration by means of a letter of commitment.

    Admission 2021:

    • Photocopy of DNI, immigration card or valid passport (both sides).
    • Report card, certificate or proof of grades from 3rd to 4th year of high school and the two-month periods of 5th year of high school that have been completed at the time of registration as an applicant.
    • Certificate of English recognized by the university (original and plain copy). Optional*.
    • Original certificate of studies from 1st to 5th of secondary school or the Certificate of Learning Achievements (CLA) described by SUNEDU in the Multiple Office No. 00029-2020-MINEDU / VMGI-DIGC-DIGE that is available on the website of that institution:
    • Proof of academic school performance or certificate of graduation according to the situation of the selected person at the time of applying, as long as this information has been declared at the time of registration by means of a letter of commitment.

    * The list of English certificates recognized by the university can be found in the Selected Guide, within the UP Portal. In the event that the “Selected one” did not have the certificate at the time of formalization of admission, they may submit it throughout his career to the Directorate of Academic Services and Registry (SAR). They will also be able to take the proficiency exam in English at the UP Language Center on the dates indicated in the Selected Guide.

    Note: For the International Business career, students must accredit an advanced level from the fifth cycle in order to enroll. To access the Double Degree Program, it is a requirement to prove an advanced level of English.

  • Admission schedule
    Período Académico Cierre de inscripciones Evaluación de comprensión lectora y competencia de lenguaje Entrevistas Formalización de ingreso
    2021-II8 de junio de 2021
    19 de junio de 2021Del 14 al 18 de junio de 2021Del 30 de junio al 2 de julio de 2021
    2022-I13 de abril de 202124 de abril de 2021Del 19 al 23 de abril de 2021Del 31 de enero al 11 de febrero de 2022
    8 de junio de 202119 de junio de 2021Del 14 al 18 de junio de 2021Del 31 de enero al 11 de febrero de 2022
    17 de agosto de 202128 de agosto de 2021Del 23 al 27 de agosto de 2021Del 31 de enero al 11 de febrero de 2022
    19 de octubre de 202130 de octubre de 2021Del 25 al 29 de octubre de 2021Del 31 de enero al 11 de febrero de 2022
    16 de noviembre de 202127 de noviembre de 2021Del 22 al 26 de noviembre de 2021Del 31 de enero al 11 de febrero de 2022
    11 de enero de 202222 de enero de 2022Del 17 al 21 de enero de 2022Del 31 de enero al 11 de febrero de 2022
    2022-II14 de junio de 202225 de junio de 2022Del 20 al 24 de junio de 20224, 5 y 6 de julio de 2022

  • Important notes
    • Proof of academic performance is necessary for the application process; and, in the event that the applicant obtains the status of “Selected one,” it will be an essential requirement for the formalization of admission.
    • The registration of an applicant will be considered successful if the documents necessary for online registration have been approved and payment of registration fee for the admission modality has been confirmed.
    • Applicants will have the possibility of taking the evaluations (evaluation of reading comprehension and language competence and personal interview) virtually from their respective cities on the same dates of the schedule.
    • After registration is approved, the applicant will receive by e-mail the confirmation of their registration, with the steps to follow according to the chosen admission modality.
    • After registration to the modality is approved, the change of career or application modality is not allowed whatever the reason.
    • Applicants who have completed secondary studies abroad must submit their certificate of studies validated by the Ministry of Education of Peru.
    • All documents issued in another language must be officially translated into Spanish.
    • In the event that the applicant obtains the status of "Selected," only career changes will be accepted (one time only), up to eight days before carrying out the formalization of admission. The request must be submitted in writing to the Admission Office.
    • Applicants who obtain the status of "Not Selected" by the modalities of Academic Excellence Admission and Baccalaureate Admission may apply for the Selective Admission modality only once on registration dates of the months of June, August, October or November 2020.
