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  • About the author(s)
    Rebecca Ray

    A researcher at the Initiative for Global Economic Governance of Boston University, USA and a doctoral candidate in Economics at the University of Massachusetts Amherst, United States. Before joining Boston University, she was an associate researcher of the Center for Economics and Policy Research in Washington DC. She has an MA in International Development by George Washington University, USA.​

    Kevin P. Gallagher

    A professor of Global Development Policy of the Pardee School of Global Studies of Boston University, USA, where he co-directs the Initiative for Global Economic Governance. He is the author of several books about Latin America, China, and foreign investment, including China Triangle: Latin America's China Boom and The Future of the Washington Consensus. He has a Ph. D. in Economics International Politics by Tufts University, USA.​

    Andrés López

    Head of the Economics Department and Professor of Economic Development at Universidad de Buenos Aires. He is also Director of the Research Center for Transformation (CENIT) in Buenos Aires, Executive Director of the American Network of Applied Economics, researcher at the National Council of Scientific and Technical Research, and visiting professor at the universities of San Andrés and Torcuato Di Tella . He has written and edited numerous publications on economic development, and has been a consultant to international organizations such as ECLAC, IDB, UNCTAD and UNDP. He holds a PhD in Economics from Universidad de Buenos Aires.​

    Cynthia A. Sanborn

    Research Vice President of Universidad del Pacífico and Professor in the Academic Department of Social and Political Sciences. She is a Doctor and a master in Government from Harvard University, and a Bachelor in Political Science from the University of Chicago.​

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